
Academic Science

  • Academic Publications

    Dr. Sam has published 10+ peer-reviewed journal articles in the fields of tribology, soft-matter engineering, and intervertebral disc disorders.

  • Academic Graphics

    Dr. Sam is proficient in Adobe Illustrator and has used those skills to design numerous scientific graphics for presentations and publications.

  • Academic CV

    View Dr. Sam’s full academic CV.

Science Policy

  • News Publications

    Dr. Sam has written op-eds about scientific issues for the general public. You can find them here.

  • Graphics and Social Media

    Dr. Sam uses her graphics skills to design artwork for science organizations and also for personal use.

    She has also managed social media for science policy organizations.

  • Podcasts

    Dr. Sam worked with comedian Chuck Nice to put together his climate comedy interview podcast Pod Zero. She worked behind the scenes to design social media copy, record episodes, and promote the show!